
Source Code

Source code can be found on github.

Contract Events

See these lines in ISsTradingPairV1.sol.

event AddLiquidity(address user, uint256 xAmount, uint256 yAmount, uint256 lpAmount);
event RemoveLiquidity(address user, uint256 lpAmount, uint256 xAmount, uint256 yAmount);
event Swap(address user, bool isXtoY, uint256 xAmount, uint256 yAmount);
// note that in the Swap event, isXtoY indicates whether this is an X-to-Y swap or a Y-to-X swap

Obtaining Pool state

To obtain pool's reserves, you can query the ERC20 balance of the corresponding contract. For more detailed information, you can also query each contract's getStats() interface in ISsTradingPairV1.sol.

    function getStats() external view returns(StatsV1 memory);
    struct StatsV1{
        uint64 concentration;
        uint256 feeMillionth;
        uint256 protocolFeeShareThousandth;

        // cumulative
        uint256 totalProtocolFeeX;
        uint256 totalProtocolFeeY;
        uint256 cumulativeVolume;
        FeeRecords feeRecords;
        // stats
        uint256 currentX_;
        uint256 currentY_;
        uint256 multX_;
        uint256 multY_;
        uint256 totalLP_;

Contract Addresses


  • router address: 0xF42F777538911510a38c80aD28B5E358a110b88A

  • bitusd-USDT:

    • contract: 0x764c40Df756058250FA5478115E667Fcef7E72E0

    • LP token: 0x9E938F3d55712595Da3Fd839944255768c6A5b38

  • WBTC-bitusd:

    • contract: 0xDFA33A77ce4420bf4cA7bFa9c1a57A40307a092e

    • LP token: 0xb7dB5bF3fe5C2Cc4C2c035796E0026B8e1A417C0

  • Bitkey-bitusd:

    • contract: 0xBD867dd8b357a067A075c54Eb0E9324ef9592C3d

    • LP token: 0xb7c1340663bCe57b78eB0825E2Db5855578CF3BD

  • BDOG-bitusd

    • contract: 0xc117238434fe8AD8a8302C19A10d0470E0Dd3A09

    • LP token: 0xAa01Ccd7318AD3791A25afA40b383523429cC9aF

  • BONE-bitusd

    • contract: 0x6c85A831a945BA9b565d500a3a9e107A0AAd868E

    • LP token: 0x61EdA410Ff7c497D25b81659921Fcc9473520935


    • contract: 0xD736A3947860F2d7ac316a12085755001F360775

    • LP token: 0x9D5de535f4153279F58fc513d457A23011547350

Last updated